Thursday 17 May 2012

Bruised And Battered

Bruised And Battered
Emotionally Shattered
This girls damaged
Hurting heart
Dead spirited

once so alive
so passionate and bright, hope's so high
For this one time future bride, with a gentle soul, she's
as soft as butterfuly
Beautiful in her own right

Now married, hansom husband and an intelligent man
seems like a perfect match, happy families that's the plan
Everything seemed so right, but it wasn't until the wedding night

She didn't know, she couldn't see! Now she's trapped
Lost all hope at being free
Desperate and hurt, the world doesn't see as her spirit bleeds
Every night she cries herself to sleep

She's afraid to speak to even move
sometimes locked away in that room for days at a time
so that the world can't see that unjust crime
On the outside she's living a lie, on the inside she's hoping
to die
No hope lift, only for the day she die's, she'll be free from
this tormenting life

How cursed she is, the helpless life she lives
Does anyone know, can anyone see, a place where
she could be?
Safe and free, hope for the hopeless maybe

She's bruised and she's battered
Emotionally shattered...
This Girl Is Damaged

Written by:Unknown

Thursday 3 May 2012